Adventure Motorcycle Camping Jetboil Stove – Product Review
There are a lot of camping or backpacking stoves out there that work well for motorcycle travel and camping. But with a lot of options I decided on the Jetboil Cooking system for my motorcycle camping cooking needs many moons ago and I think it was a great choice.
I also have the pot support accessory to use my camp pots on it too for eggs or some dehydrated camp food packs that also need to be cooked on a camp pan.
But best of all, I have the French press coffee accessory- I don’t know why but that coffee in the morning is quick and just so delicious. I even used it the one day when we had power outage in the morning but we didn’t have to do without coffee. : )
In short, the Jetboil stove cooks quick, is compact enough to fit in panniers and just works really well.
Some of my logic, when choosing a adventure camp stove: I considered getting a stove that worked of gasoline, I figured why carry propane canister when I have 6.5 gallons with my bike. But propane is cleaner fuel, it doesn’t take up much space at all and the stove was less expensive. And I like to keep the gasoline smell away from my food- they don’t go together. It depends if you are so packed that a small canister is going to make a difference, or if you won’t be able to get another if traveling for months at a time. All in all, I really like my jetboil and believe it is a necessity for camping.
Thanks for reading and enjoy your meals during your adventure motorcycle camping and traveling.
The first product link below contains the Jetboil and French Coffee Press but not the Pot Support attachment. The following link is the Pot Support if needed. FYI