The Trans-America Trail, or TAT for short, is a American dual sport dream ADV ride across the US of A! It is a mix of dirt roads, farm roads, back roads, trails, and forest roads that go from southeast Tennessee and ends in southwest Oregon. And just like the TCAT, Trans-Canada Highway or many other long routes it can be broken down into sections or parts for shorter expeditions. As many of us don’t have a month or so to explore all that is offered on the TAT trail.

TAT or Trans-America Trail – An Adventure Motorcycle Ride Across the back roads and trails of the USA!
The TAT was originally mapped out by Sam Correro and he runs the website – where you can get maps/gps files of the Trans-America Trail. Now Sam Correro, is respected as the father of the TAT trail, but many other passionate Adventure riders have extended the TAT and have improved the trail system even further by offering routes for different class adventure bikes. See ADV bike classes. And have also mapped out a complete coast to coast route as Sam’s route didn’t quite reach the east coast. So it is safe to say the TAT is a living growing trail system that many are now involved in making an amazing trans American route.
If you are interested in riding the TAT, another site that offers the maps and gps files for the TAT is gpsKEvin, see here. There is some controversy as to the ethics of gpsKevin’s offering these routes, many if not all gps files, after Sam has done so much of the leg work. gpsKevin’s initial take was “open-source” view where the trail and gps route is free to ride, but many feel it is a slight to the father of the TAT– now I believe the gps files are no longer free but he is charging for a MicroSD card for your GPS which obviously include his tracks. There is some concern that gpsKevin’s route may take riders across private land, where the land owner’s are not happy about the trespassing.
Another source for TAT route is TATtracks which takes Kevin’s route, but rerouted around all the private property, blocked roads, and closed gas stations. and best of all it’s free.
I’ll let you do your own due diligence and decide your own viewpoint on this one, but it is safe to say riding across America on an adventure bike will give you a taste of America from a real roots level.
And also check out the Big Dog who has rode many parts of the TAT and has a lot of great stuff on his site.
So get out there and Ride the TAT and explore the true America the ultimate way– on a motorcycle!
WorldCrosser has uniquely USA themed Trans-America Trail (TAT) stickers in stock.
Show off with a cool USA themed TAT sticker today.
as well as TAT vinyl decals too . . .