by WorldCrosser Admin | Nov 26, 2017 | ADV News, Adventure Motorcycles, Dual Sport, Explore
KLX®250S Camo
Kawasaki is releasing the KLX 250 in Matrix Camo Gray for 2018. A great lightweight 4 stroke dual sport adventure bike for all you ADV riders out there!
It looks great with the gray matix camo digital pattern and the badass black wheels. You can get Kawa standard green color for $200 less, if interested. But for the cool camo design/color and black wheels I think it is well worth the extra couple bills.
Check out Kawasaki’s page on KLX250S.
by WorldCrosser Admin | Nov 26, 2017 | ADV News, Destinations, Dual Sport, Explore, News, Roads, Routes
The Trans Euro Trail is an incredible GPS track that circumvents Europe. This amazing dirt road/trail goes through so many European countries and provides motorcycle adventure riders a true taste for ADV riding in Europe. The scope of scenery is literally all over the map. Some riders will do specific legs of the TET and others venture out to complete the entire route. The TET is over 21,000 miles long, over 4 times longer than the TAT.
TET ADV Motorcycle Trail – Trans Euro Trail
Countries the Trans Euro Trail will traverse:
- Albania
- Belgium
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- UK
- Ukraine
Check out the TET ADV riders website for more information on each country and they also have a forum as well. On their site you can download the GPS/X file for free. It i s 2.5Gb file, so have an SD card for it.
The TET project is supported by Adventure Spec, a great ADV resource for your riding needs in Europe.
This is a must for your bucket list and we are sincerely grateful for the selfless “linesman” (see website) who volunteered their time and put this great TET track together.
Now get out a ride the TET!
by WorldCrosser Admin | Oct 30, 2017 | ADV News, Destinations, Maine, States, US National Park
Acadia National Park, Maine (Bar Harbor)
There are a few things certain in this world, and one of those are prices are always going up. Sorry for the pessimistic view, but there are 17 National parks where the entrance fees are increasing in 2018 during peak seasons. It will now be $50 per motorcycle, $70 for cars, and $30 on bicycle or on foot. This is still a proposal but looks as if it will be going to happen. The funds will be used to improve the parks.
“The infrastructure of our national parks is aging and in need of renovation and restoration,” said U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke. Some will get the increase in May 2018 and others in June and Joshua Tree is still undecided.
The parks that are getting the increase are:
- Arches
- Bryce Canyon
- Canyonlands
- Denali
- Glacier
- Grand Canyon
- Grand Teton
- Olympic
- Sequoia & Kings Canyon
- Yellowstone
- Yosemite
- Zion National Parks
- Acadia
- Mount Rainier
- Rocky Mountain
- Shenandoah National Parks
- Joshua Tree National Park (read more about Joshua Park here)
Riding your adventure motorcycle through the National Parks here in the US is a great joy to be had. Stay on designated legal dirt roads and enjoy all these great parks have to offer.